CDS / PP: denunciation campaign “Portugal is trapped by wires”, on the country roads.

It CDS / PP, It has the street to 31 December campaign “Portugal is trapped by wires”, you want to mark the roads at risk. In the District were marked to EN259 / IP8 (Fig Knights) and EN 386 (Canyons).

The leader of the CDS / PP, Asuncion Ridges, MPs and local delegates 16 different parts of the country, andaram no sábado pelo paĂ­s a assinalar uma iniciativa promovida hoje pelo partido junto de vários “critical points” on national roads, for which the CDS requires urgent interventions.

Para alĂ©m da Estrada Nacional N386 AmarelejaBarrancos foi assinalada a Estrada Nacional 259/IP8, roundabout access to the future section of the A26. In 15 February 2016, three months after the fall of the second government led by Passos Coelho, CDS / PP presented in Parliament, a project (BARRANCOS pjr162-XIII) wherein “urges the Government to proceed with the improvement of access roads to the county of Barrancos”.

The wake-up call, He explained the leader of the popular, serve para assinalar uma iniciativa promovida hoje pelo partido junto de vários “critical points” on national roads, for which the CDS requires urgent interventions.

“This is an example of the state of our infrastructure and we, CDS, from north to south of the country, we are to signal these critical points and to make a clear question: until when, prime minister? The works are promised but not actually happen. And there are cases that are not even identified”.

Cristas explicou ainda que o CDS tambĂ©m já seguiu as vias formais, including asking questions in parliament to determine the status of various infrastructure of the country, so that it can not then “say they did not know”, but he defended the need to let things “clear” para o paĂ­s. “This is the government taxes the maximum and the minimum investment, the maximum tax burden and minimum public services, and to us it behooves us to report, pĂ´r o dedo na ferida e mostrar que Portugal está por arames e isto tem de ser visto e resolvido.

According to a statement sent to DN however by CDS, or party will “in the last two weeks of the year” in several critical points, to report that “Portugal is trapped by wires”.

Only on Saturday, Crests and several “MEPs, national leaders and local structures” They were in 16 “black spots” different. Namely:

Passage of the railway line in Silvalde, National road N386 Amareleja – Canyons, Dogfish road – Vimioso, Estrada Nacional 238 – Serta, IP3 – Joint with Viseu, Estrada Nacional (ed: very possibly would EN 259/ Fig Knights), Estrada Nacional 25 – Sotavento area – Tavira – Vila Real, National roads Butters / Piornos, IP6 – Obidos – Peniche, Second Circular Sense Benfica A1, Perpendicular to the road N246 Elvas -Are Vicente,, Amarante – IN 210, Hill Portas do Sol – Stone fall, IC1 – Alcacer and Grândola, Regional road 314 keys – Murça and IP3 (Penacova).

The CDS / PP government before and output of fter

In 15 February 2016, three months after the fall of the second government PSD / CDS led by Passos Coelho, after 4 years led the politically Portugal, CDS-PP, through deputies Nuno MagalhĂŁes, Abel Batista, HĂ©lder Amaral, Pedro Mota Soares and PatrĂ­cia Fonseca, Mrs godmother Beja district, presented in Parliament, the DRAFT RESOLUTION No. 162 / XIII / 1st where “urges the Government to proceed with the improvement of access roads to the county of Barrancos”.

Teixeira Correia


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