CDU: It accuses the Executive of the Chamber of Beja of being in “back turned” for associativism.

In a statement, the CDU councilors accuse the PS Executive at the Beja City Council of “continuing with their backs turned to the Associative Movement”.

In the document, the Opposition councilors say that the Executive “continues to refuse to support the associative movement in a dignified way to carry out activities that are the guarantee of high civic participation and, In so many cases, opportunities for the population to access free or low-cost events”.

Considering that the cut in requests for support to cultural initiatives is recurrent, arts and sports in the municipality of Beja, the communists point to the examples of the Santa Maria Summer Fest and the Festa do Azulejo, which according to them “were canceled due to the proposed funds being insufficient to meet the needs to put these events on their feet”.

“Other initiatives will be substantially harmed by having seen their requests reduced, In so many cases, for half or less, of the requested amount”, justify the councilors of the CDU pointing out “the cases of the Festival MUPA-Músicas na Planície, of the II Beja Pride Festival or Festa das Maias”.

CDU councilors consider that the autarchy has a duty to continue to defend one of the most beautiful achievements of post 25 de Abril and which resulted in the increase of civic participation in the associative movement. By drastically reducing financial support to sports associations, recreational and cultural activities, there is a serious risk that they will also reduce their activity or even become extinct.

The CDU councilors in the Beja City Council assure that “they will continue to fight and defend greater financial support, logistics and materials for specific activities of the associative movement”, Remata.

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