CDU: Elected in the Municipality of Beja against the increase in water tariffs.

In a statement, the elected members of the CDU justify that “EMAS and the PS executive of the Municipality of Beja, with the connivance of the councilor elected by the PSD, will increase the water bill by 7%”.

Communist CDU Councilors remember that they voted against the Municipal Budget for 2023 because they consider “that in a situation as difficult as the one we are going through and at a time when families and micro, small and medium-sized companies are suffering from the brutal general increase in the cost of living and the reduction in purchasing power, these tariffs should not be updated”.

The CDU argues that “EMAS and the CMB should give a sign of support, especially those who need it most, helping to mitigate the effects of this crisis that is expected to become more pronounced in 2023”.

Currently, according to data from ERSAR – Water and Waste Regulatory Entity and DECO, cited by the CDU “the municipality of Beja is part of the list of municipalities in the country where the global cost of the water bill, which includes the sanitation component and the Urban Solid Waste Tariff (indexed to the value of water) is higher”.

The elected communists in the Municipality justify that “there is no other way of saying it, with this decision, EMAS and the PS executive of the Câmara de Beja will make it difficult, the already very difficult, lives of workers and small and medium-sized enterprises”, Remata.

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