“Senior Census 2024”: District of Beja's 2998 flagged elderly.

A Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR), during the period of 01 October and 15 November 2024, carried out throughout the national territory, Operation “Senior Census 2024”. The Guard carried out 369 Actions em sala and 4859 actions door to door, covering a total of 31 210 seniors.

A ação é desenvolvida no âmbito do policiamento comunitário, que visa garantir um conjunto de ações de patrulhamento e de sensibilização à população mais idosa, com o objetivo de sensibilizar para comportamentos de autoproteção de segurança e reforçar o sentimento de segurança.

During operation, os militares realizaram uma série de ações que privilegiaram o contacto pessoal com as pessoas idosas em situação vulnerável, in order to sensitize and alert this target audience to the adoption of safety behaviors that reduce the risk of becoming victims of crimes, namely in situations of violence, de burla e furto.

In editing 2024 da Operação “Censos Sénior”, a Guarda realizou 369 Actions em sala and 4859 actions door to door, covering a total of 31 210 seniors.

District of Beja's 2998 flagged elderly, o sexto valor mais alto nos 18 Mainland districts.

From 2011, year it was held the first edition of Operation "Senior Census", Guarda has been updating its geographic signage, thus providing closer support to our elderly population., which certainly contributes, on the one hand, to create a climate of greater trust and empathy between the elderly and the military of the GNR and, for another, to increase your sense of security.

A Guarda sinalizou em 2024, 42 873 seniors living alone and / or isolated, or vulnerable, because of their physical condition, psychological, or another that may jeopardize your safety.

Source: GNR

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