Enough: The party welcomes JSD and criticizes the mayor of Beja.

Paulo Arsénio's response to the JSD's Open Letter led Chega to react that in considering that the mayor had reached the party when he says that the letter “would not have surprised him from other right-wing radical parties”, in clear reference to Chega.

In a document sent to Lidador Notícias and signed by Ana Cristina Moisão, Vice-President of the Political Commission of Beja and candidate for the City Council of Serpa, Enough criticizes the response of the Mayor of Beja.

Document that we reproduce in full:

It was with great amazement that we read today, in an interview with Lidador, Mr Paulo Arsenio, Mayor of Beja, in a way of indignation/almost sadness, for the open letter sent by JSD de Beja referring to the increase in the feeling of insecurity that the population is experiencing. He also states that such a letter would not have surprised him from “other radical right-wing parties”, in clear reference to the ENOUGH party.

We do not fail to salute the attitude of JSD de Beja, what, as Paulo Arsénio well said, is in line with what the district leadership of the CHEGA Party has been seeing for a long time, and we remind you “for now” Mayor that politics is done in close proximity to people and not just with statistical numbers provided, and that social networks are an important means of contact with the inhabitants and cannot simply be ignored, but carefully analyzed.

The opportunism of this gentleman in detaching himself from a fact, passing the buck of responsibilities to the security forces and the statistics provided by these, only proves the lack of respect for the authorities, because as we all know, statistics are made after the facts have occurred and the aim is to prevent them from happening, taking into account the signs and warnings previously provided by the population, calling for the reinforcement of policing at key points in order to avoid tragedies.

Paulo Arsénio also touched on a matter of real importance, which was the relationship between the migrant population and the increase in the feeling of insecurity, clearly implying that this is not a real problem but a phantom of the imagination of the “radical right” as it refers to., once again preferring the politically correct than facing the problems head-on. Well, let it be clear that the opinion of the people on the ground is quite different from that of this gentleman., because only those who do not frequently walk the streets of the city and of several parishes in the district can maintain such a position, as the uncontrolled growth in the number of migrants, especially coming from cultures completely different from ours., and with very different values ​​in terms of respect for women, especially, is causing serious discomfort and a feeling of insecurity in the population. It is urgent to keep the levels of migration controlled and regulated to guarantee their integration with the standards of our society.. The agglomeration of migrants, creating authentic communities on the fringes of society is a growing problem, that if it is not controlled at first, it will create serious problems for our population.

reinforcement of policing, more regular and strict controls on the migrant population is urgent and should not be ignored for the good of those who are here and those who come for the good!

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