CIMB: Closing of applications to the PANP of Baixo Alentejo.

Applications for the National Production Support Program have ended (Base Local) - Baixo Alentejo.

Finished, last day 15 Feb., the deadline for the opening notice for the submission of PAPN applications – Baixo Alentejo. This program aims to directly support investment to stimulate domestic production (base local), focusing on the industrial sector and the tourism sector, micro and small companies being beneficiaries..

entered 32 applications, whose proposed global investment amounts to about 3,6 million, with financial support of approximately 1,6 million. Outgoing-I know, geographically, applications were submitted from the thirteen counties of Baixo Alentejo.

With regard to the sectorial scope, are recorded 13 nominations in the industry sector (FALLS OFF 5 a 33) about 1,5 million euro investment; also 13 applications on accommodation (FALLS OFF 55) with a similar investment amount; Finally, in the catering sector (FALLS OFF 56) were submitted 6 applications, with 640 thousand euros of proposed investment.

ascend to 158, the number of jobs to be kept, at the 32 involved entities, in these projects to expand and modernize the production of these companies..

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