CIMB: Intermunicipal Network of Education elected and technical board of 13 counties.

The Intermunicipal Network of Education of Alentejo, under the coordination of cymbal and composed of elected officials and technicians of the thirteen municipalities, gathered in Beja, also involving other partners.

It was made the presentation of the Citizenship Project "Do Well Without Knowing Whom", by the Association of Parents and Guardians of Vidigueira Group of Schools, so we can replicate it throughout the territory.

With the participation of the Central District of Beja Social Security, They were promoted synergies relating to actions contemplated in Supraconcelhia Platform Business Plan of the Lower Alentejo and projects of Social Development Contracts Sites (CLDS) who are on the ground or in application, avoiding overlapping of similar activities.

Lastly, Network leaned in detail on the proposal for inter-application under the Integrated Plans and Innovative to Combat School Failure, covering the thirteen municipalities of the Community.

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