Campo Maior will be the center of tributes to Commander Rui Nabeiro. There will be mass in Beja, in the Savior's Church.
Campo Maior will pay tribute to Commander Rui Nabeiro on the day 19 March, date marking one year of his death. In Beja there will be a mass at the Church of the Savior at 19,00 hours.
The ceremonies will begin at 10:30 am, next to the statue of the Comendador in the center of the village, with the unveiling of a phrase evocative of his legacy. Below are LuÃs Rosinha's speeches, Mayor of Campo Maior and João Manuel Nabeiro, Chairman of the Nabeiro-Delta Cafés Group.
At 12:00 a Mass is celebrated at the Igreja Matriz de Campo Maior.
For the tribute ceremonies, the Municipality of Campo Maior and the Nabeiro Family invite all friends who wish to join these solemn moments in memory of Commander Rui Nabeiro.
On the same day Masses will be celebrated in several cities.