Conference: "The Late Antiquity in southern Lusitania, the case of Mértola ".
"The Late Antiquity in southern Lusitania, the case of Mértola "is the theme of the conference to be held on the evening of Thursday at the Museum of Sembrano, in Beja, having as guest speaker at the Archaeologist Virgilio Lopes.
The Museum Center of Sembrano Street, in Beja, It continues to be the stage for integrated conference in the cycle "Under the earth and the waters, because there are always new stories to tell ", promoted by edia in partnership with the Municipality of Beja and Director of the Regional Alentejo Culture, with the support of the Association for the Defense of the Cultural Heritage of the Beja region.
In the genesis of these conferences are the archaeological work carried out in the region during the construction of the infrastructure of the Alqueva project, interventions that would prove to be true almanacs to a new reading of the history not only of the region, as the entire Iberian Peninsula.
The conference scheduled for the next day 19 December is focused on "The Late Antiquity in southern Lusitania, the case of Mértola "and will have as a guest speaker the archaeologist Virgilio Lopes, Researcher and member of the board of the Archaeological Field Mértola, element of the Archaeological Research Center, Art and Sciences and Heritage Fellow Postdoctoral Foundation for Science and Technology.
This conference addresses the historical period between the end of the Roman world and the beginnings of Islamization. An approach that has the geographic area south of the country.
In the second part of the conference will give yourself to know the archaeological work done in Mértola with regard to Late Antiquity and the process of Christianization. The conference will start at 21:30 and admission is free.