Association Agreement: The two schools of the district hold classes.

The state will finance 273 classes at the start of cycle in private schools, next school year, according to a tender notice for extension of the association agreements in force, published today.

Externato Antonio Sérgio_800x800The notice was published in the late afternoon, on the website of the School Administration of the General Directorate (DGAE), and specifies the number of classes beginning of cycle, per school, authorized to open and receive funding from the state, in 2016-2017.

O number 273 groups is a cutting 57% in financing, which had already been announced by Secretary of State Assistant and Education, Alexandra Leitão.

District of Beja there are two institutions that are covered by this decision of the Executive António Costa.

The Externato António Sérgio (Beringel/ Beja) keeps 4 classes, two from the 2nd cycle and two 3rd cycle, getting 320 thousand euros per year.

Turn, the College of Our Lady of Grace (Vila Nova de Milfontes / Odemira) vi continue with 8 classes, Three 2nd cycle, three 3rd cycle and two secondary, getting 640 thousand euros per year.

According to the publicized list (opening announcement – extension contracts) an annex warning, almost all of the groups proposed financing is located in the northern and central regions. Below Lisbon, there's only 12 eligible classes.

In a statement, the Ministry of Education (ME) said that private schools “who are in need of locations are also being informed of the number of classes, to beginning of cycle, likely to be financed by the State under the Contracts of Association”.

“With the publication of this list is initiated the procurement procedure, similar to what was done last year, to the extent of association agreements for cycle starts, in locations where there is still a shortage. schools Private and cooperative, located in areas of deficiency, can, So, submit your application for this purpose”, the statement said conservancy.

According to the tender notice for extension of contracts of association, the tender procedure opened at 10:00, of 30 May, and ends at 18:00, of 15 June, and applications submitted through an electronic platform provided by DGAE.

The notice provides that the amount to be issued for each funded group remains in 80.500 euros. extension of contracts for a new cycle of education will have to be valid for three academic years.

Teixeira Correia


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