Covid-19: local authority rented “Container-showers” for Hospital and Fair Park.
The Municipality of Beja rented two “Container-shower”, one of which installed in Hospital, for personal service doctor servethe “COVID-19” adults and pediatrics.
According to information released by the president of the municipality, today reached Beja, rented for a period of 3 months by the city of Beja, two “Container-shower” to provide support in this pandemic period the country is experiencing.
One was installed on “Flavors of Pavilion”, the Beja Trade and Exhibition Center and will support the people to be (re)housed temporarily, in case of need, this space.
The other was installed in the Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes de Beja and will serve as a space shower and decontamination service staff doctorthe “COVID-19” adults and pediatrics.