There 57 counties registered an incidence rate of accumulated cases of infection by the new coronavirus higher than 960 by 100 thousand, between 23 December and 05 January.
The number of municipalities at extreme risk has more than doubled, passing 25 to 57 in the analysis released today on the cumulative incidence of covid-19 for the period between 23 December and 05 January. Among these counties are those of Mértola, Vidigueira and Cuba.
In the report of the Directorate-General for Health of 04 January, with data for the period between 14 and 27 of December, there 25 municipalities with an incidence of accumulated cases of infection with the new coronavirus 960 by 100 thousand.
County / Cases by 100 thousand inhabitants / Risk- Extremely high (3): Cuba-1197, Mértola-1530 and Vidigueira-1270, Very high (4): Almodôvar-625, Alvito-565, Beja-733 and Ourique-629, High (4): Aljustrel-291, Castro Verde-302, Moura-292 and Serpa-294 and Moderate (3): Ravines-61, Ferreira do Alentejo-217 and Odemira-231.
According to the daily report (Daily report 11-01-2021) the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA), concerning 24,00 hours 10 January, the municipality of Beja exceeded four hundred cases, recording 401 inetados, the highest value of the thirteen municipalities in the ULSBA's area of ​​influence, followed by Cuba with 154, Mértola with 125 and Moura with 109 cases.
It is recalled that the Executive defined that municipalities with less than 240 cases by 100 thousand inhabitants are at risk “moderate”, counties with more than 240 and even 480 cases by 100 thousand inhabitants are at risk “high”, counties with more than 480 new cases and even 960 cases are at risk “very high” and counties with more than 960 cases by 100 thousand inhabitants are at risk “extremely high”.
See the county list and interactive map (Cash Money):