(Updated) COVID-19: DGS reveals that this Sunday there 41 infetados no Alentejo.

Situation on 29 March: The Alentejo has 41 positive cases, more 7 than in the day yesterday. No Beja District county has 3 or more cases. Unlike ARSAlentejo, ARSAlgarve to continue to publish daily reports.

The epidemiological bulletin on covid-19 shows this Sunday that Portugal has 5962 cases of infection and 119 deaths coronavirus.

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) indicated, in epidemiological bulletin Sunday, which was revised upwards the number of deaths and infected with the new coronavirus. A Covid-19 He made in Portugal 119 fatalities, which shows an increase of 19 killed in 24 hours. Regarding the number of infetados, rose to 5.962.

See the list. When the confirmed cases are less than 3, for confidentiality reasons, data is not presented, Informa DGS: https://www.dgs.pt/em-destaque/relatorio-de-situacao-n-027-29032020-pdf.aspx

Alentejo in Evora records 20 cases, Sines presents 4 and Grândola and Reguengos de Monsaraz, 3 cases each. In total sum 30 positive cases, for the remaining 11 cases are distributed to municipalities with less than three cases, as is the Beja, yesterday presented 2 cases.

Contrary to what happens in the Regional Health Administration of Alentejo (ARSAlentejo), on your page ARSAlgarve continues to publish the map of cases of Covid-19 by municipality: http://www.arsalgarve.min-saude.pt/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/03/Relatorio_Diario_COVID_19_29mar2020.pdf

Teixeira Correia


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