Serpa (very high) and MĂ©rtola (high) worsened the numbers of positive covid-19 cases and worsened their level of risk of the State of Emergency starting next Wednesday.
The government, on the website dedicated to combating the Covid-19 pandemic (, placed the list of risk levels at which each of the counties in the Continental territory will be 9 of December, date when the new State of Emergency enters into force.
For data 1 of December, there are two municipalities in the Beja district that have worsened the level of positioning on the covid-19 risk list, two who maintained the same rank and one who improved their level. Serpa went from “high” to “very high” where the Municipality of Cuba was already located. At “high” risk, where Barrancos and Odemira were positioned, Mértola also appears, while Castro Verde moved to the first and lowest level, the “moderate”, where are the remaining eight municipalities.
Covid-19 risk ranking
Extremely high: without registration, Very high: Cuba e Serpa, High: Canyons, MĂ©rtola and Odemira and Moderate: Aljustrel, Almodovar, Alvito, Beja, Castro Verde, Ferreira do Alentejo, Moura, Ourique and Vidigueira.
Remember that, this Saturday, in a declaration to the country, the Prime Minister revealed that on the weekends of 12 and 13 and 19 and 20 of December, stick toban on driving on public roads from 13 hours in very high and extreme risk counties"
A “strategy” for this month is still that “extension of measures” currently in force until 24 and 25, with one “lower intensity of restrictions on days 24, 25 and 1 and still maintain the same level of restrictions” in the following days.
Saturday's data, 5 of December, the ULSBA
This data shows that until 00,00 hours Friday, 4 of December (Daily report 05_12_20), the most worrying situation is in the municipality of Serpa, where 87 cases, corresponding to 38,5% of the positives, having almost twice as much as Beja who has 45 cases.
There were recorded 11 new cases of vocid-19, in total 221, in the thirteen counties, except Odemira, in the area of ​​activity of ULSBA, since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic there is a record of 1269 cases, there 16 people admitted to the covid-19 ward and 3 at the Intensive Care Unit of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja.
Of all registered cases, Serpa is the municipality with the highest number of positives, in total 87, corresponding to 38,5% two cases, followed by Beja with 45, Castro Verde and MĂ©rtola with 21 each and Cuba with 11 cases.
Below ten positive cases are Vidigueira with 7, AlmodĂ´var with 6, Canyons, Ourique e Moura with 6 each, Ferreira do Alentejo with 4, Aljustrel with 3 and Alvito with 1 case.
Total number of cases, 1269 registered since March, Beja has 497, Serpa records 193, Moura with 179, Cuba has 85, Ourique with 60, MĂ©rtola registers 59 and Ferreira do Alentejo with 51. With less than half a hundred cases, Castro Verde counties appear with 42, Aljustrel with 40, AlmodĂ´var with 25, Vidigueira with 21, ravines with 14 and Alvito with 3.
How many deaths, already registered 38 deaths, and the municipality of Beja is the one with the highest number of fatalities in the total of 21, 17 of which in homes, wherein 12 occurred with users of the São José Mansion. In Moura there is a record of 4 deaths, then Almodôvar appears, Castro Verde, Cuba, Ourique and Serpa with two cases each and Aljustrel, Mértola, Vidigueira with one death each. In Alvito, Barrancos e Ferreira do Alentejo has not registered any deaths yet.
Teixeira Correia