A video conference meeting, brought together the Prime Minister and the mayors of the seven counties with the highest levels of incidence of covid-19 infections.
One of the themes most analyzed at the meeting was the new counting methodology applied by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS). This new methodology defined and applied by DGS, results from the implementation of the Risk Matrix, combining data on the cumulative incidence to be 14 days for 100 thousand inhabitants and the risk of transmissibility (Rt) a 7 days.
The Mayor of Moura, revealed to Lidador News (LN) that before António Costa, presented the opinion that “we have defended in recent weeks to challenge this method, very damaging for less densely populated territories ”, justified.
Álvaro Azedo maintained before the Prime Minister “the reality of the latter” justifying that “between 17 and 30 March we had 65 new cases, with an incidence of 473 cases, but we had 47 recovered. In other words, stay with 18 cases, but those recovered are not taken into account. Is not fair", finished.
The mayor says that in the Municipality “exemplary testing work has been done in the last year”, assuring the mayor that “it was a program that involved a lot of people from different sectors and in which a great mobilization was made”, summed up. Álvaro Azedo was aggravated by the fact that he is “pointing the finger at the municipalities with an up and down that looks like the Football League”, shot.
The mayor of the “Cidade Salúquia” recalled the beginning of the pandemic where “we went through a lot and fought together for a common good: our health. We want to be treated fairly because in the municipality of Moura we have been fighting a lot against the virus and we cannot be defeated by a mathematical formula that does not treat everyone equally ”.
Álvaro Azedo revealed that because of a recent positive case of a teacher, massive testing was carried out on the entire community: "We did 300 tests and there were three kids who tested positive, but that they had not even had contact with the teacher ”, demanding greater inspection by the authorities so that everyone complies.
The mayor told LN that António Costa was sensitive to talking to the institutions responsible for the creation and application of the new methodology for calculating cases of covid-19 and to impose greater supervision in the municipalities with the highest incidence, what the Prime Minister ended up announcing after the meeting with the mayors.
Teixeira Correia