Covid-19: Four hundred firefighters with negative serological tests.

Serological tests carried out on Friday on four hundred firefighters from Baixo Alentejo were negative. Today more are tested 156 operational, 22 of which the Red Cross.

Serological tests of covid-19, carried out on Friday the 400 operational and command body operational 12 the 15 fire brigades of Baixo Alentejo, were negative. This Sunday morning more 156 testes, 136 firefighters and 22 Red Cross operatives, 12 from the Beja delegation and 10 Castro Verde.

Serological tests are taking place on the premises and under the coordination of the Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo (CIMB), being carried out by teams from the Academic Center for Research and Biomedical Training of the Algarve-Algarve Biomedical Center (consortium of Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve and Universidade do Algarve), who collect blood samples.

Fernando Romba, First Secretary of CIMBAL, Lidador told the News (LN) that “all 400 tests carried out on Friday were negative. This means that our firefighters are safe to integrate all the missions assigned to them ", said confident. Romba recalled that the serological test "allows you to check whether the person has had contact with the virus and whether he has gained immunity to it", justifying that from a scientific point of view “it allows us to study group immunity, in a significant sample of people, that are top-notch operational ”, concluded.

Testing costs are borne by the thirteen municipalities that make up CIMBAL, while, the Fire Departments ensure the transportation and expenses of their personnel. With the exception of the Odemira and Vila Nova de Milfontes corporations, belonging to the Intermunicipal Community of Alentejo Litoral (Cimal) and Moura, whose tests were carried out as part of an action that took place in that city at the initiative of the local City Council.

Teixeira Correia


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