Red Cross: President of the institution comes to Beja today to talk to the 36 workers who continue to serve the institution.

The president of the National Directorate of the Portuguese Red Cross (CVP), Antonio Saraiva, travels today to Beja where he will meet with the 36 workers assigned to the two Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI’s), Home Support Service and kitchens, which closed last day 31 July.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN) next to the Beja Delegation fountain, The workers were told that they should be at this location at 11:00 am, the reasons for the meeting were not specified. The presence of António Saraiva in Beja, will not be oblivious to the various questions asked by LN on matters that affect female employees.

A worker, who asked for anonymity, for fear of reprisals, explained to LN that “the lack of a dismissal letter is preventing access to the Unemployment Fund and also makes it impossible for them to accept job offers and the lack of payment of the relevant compensationâ€, justified.

Miguel Cardoso and Cunha, General Director of CVP, clarified that “the procedures for terminating the employment contracts of workers affected by those 2 ERPs, respectively the 28 June and the 29 July. This procedure is in accordance with current labor legislation, respecting the timetable defined by law and is duly monitored by the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, through the General Directorate of Employment and Labor Relations (DGERT)", finished.

“In addition to these non-compliances, we have been providing services that are not covered by your professional obligations, how to charge furniture, refrigerators and beds, so that the two ERPI’s facilities would remain unimpeded and the facilities handed over to their ownersâ€, revealed the worker interviewed by LN who added that “they are humiliating us. Yesterday a lot of material was carried into a room because it was in the backyard. After it was loaded, they said they were supposed to return everything to the backyard.. We refused to reload. This is really making fun of us. There are people with almost 40 years at homeâ€, concluded in annoyance.

About this matter, the General Director of CVP, stated that “while the process of terminating employment contracts, The workers in these structures maintain their employment relationship with the institution and will continue to carry out the social support and logistics activities necessary for the closure of the two ERPIs. In accordance with legislation, formal communication of dismissal will be carried out after compliance with legal deadlines and procedures, including the hearing of the Workers' Representative Committeeâ€, justified.

Regarding the payment of compensation, Miguel Cardoso e Cunha assured that “they will be paid at the effective end of the employment contract, after formal notice of dismissal and compliance with legal notice, which depends on the seniority of each employee. They will be entitled to all legal compensation, including redundancy payments, even if they choose to bring forward the end of the notice period. So, may accept other job offers without prejudice to their rights.â€, finished.

Remember that the closure of the two ERPI’s was revealed by Lidador Notícias on the day 18 January and only three months later the president of the National Directorate (DN) da CVP, Antonio Saraiva, reported that “the decision was made to close by 31 of July the two nursing homes, because it is not possible to make functional improvements that would allow the situation to be reversed.â€.

Teixeira Correia


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