Cuba: CP employee assaulted by disgruntled driver.

Aggressor considered that the level crossing had been closed for too long. The victim is still in the Emergency Department of Hospital de Beja.

An employee of the Cuba Railway Station was assaulted on Sunday night, by at least one individual, unhappy with the time that the level crossing gate was closed to vehicles. The man, of 39 year old, remains hospitalized in the Emergency Department of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja.

The case happened about the 21,00 hours, after the CP official closed the level crossing barriers of the Alentejo Line, that serves vila de Cuba, since a train train would enter that station, from Casa Branca to Beja.

According to information from the Communication Office of the Territorial Command of Beja (CTBeja) da GNR, it all started when two individuals, one of 40 year and other 21 year old, "they will have rebelled against the too long that the line will have been closed".

The two individuals, residents in the council of Cuba, left the place, “but the fact that there were witnesses to the facts, led them to return to the scene and present themselves to the GNR patrol that took care of the occurrence", said CTBeja source.

The CP employee was taken by the Cuban Firefighters to the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja, where he entered about 22,00 hours. Hospital source told Lidador Notícias (LN) that the victim "is stable, even more in need of medical care", justified.

The victim informed the GNR that he wants to file a criminal complaint against the aggressor, having said to the police authority that he was first attacked by the CP official.

The case fell to inquiry, the three people involved in the altercation and the witnesses who witnessed the facts will be heard, whose record will then be sent to the Public Ministry of the Court of Cuba.

Teixeira Correia


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