Delta Cafés: It is the preferred coffee of the Portuguese in “Consumer Choice” 2020.

A Delta Cafés He was elected for the 7th consecutive year "Consumer Choice" 2020, in the coffee category, with a satisfaction rating 84,22%.

The company's Nabeiro Family was elected for the eighth consecutive year. The choice reinforces once again the distinctive quality of Delta Cafes, no national market leader cafes.

O taste, flavor, the intensity and quality were the attributes most valued by the majority of consumers who consider coffee Delta, a unique product and unique quality.

This distinction demonstrates once again the strong link of the Portuguese with the brand and reveals the daily choice, at home or on the street, the coffee that gives flavor to your life.

According to the data provided by ConsumerChoice - Consumer Satisfaction Evaluation Center, the entity responsible for the event, revealed that eight were evaluated (8) Brands, involved 1122 consumers.

They were evaluated as attributes, good quality / price ratio, coffee quality (foam, aroma, aspects, temperature), intensity of aroma and flavor, brand awareness and trust, variety in the level of caffeine, brand awareness and practicality of the pack.

User satisfaction was 84,22 %, intent / purchase recommendation was 85,27 %, taking the overall score of Delta Cafés to consumers been 84,43 %.

Delta Cafés: It is the brand with the best reputation in Portugal 2019.

For the second year, with a score of 83,30 (in 100), Delta Cafés held the title of most reputable brand in Portugal.

In 2018, the brand of coffee had conquered for the first time the top of the Global Pulse RepScore, ranking by OnStrategy. Only a dozen brands reach the level of excellence, and Delta Cafés been the first company Portuguese who achieved the first position in the ranking in absolute terms.

Teixeira Correia


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