Delta Q: Brand launches pioneering digital platform that allows consumers to create their own coffee.
“Delta Q Vive Mais” It is the new signing of Portuguese coffee brand. Delta Q launches pioneering digital platform that allows consumers to create their own coffee.
A Delta Q, the Portuguese brand of coffee in capsules, Back to innovate and features MyQoffee, a unique and innovative digital platform that allows Delta Q consumers create their blend anywhere, against the best origins of Arabica and robust.
The new platform aims to make all the more unforgettable moments, giving the possibility to all consumers receive the MyQoffee capsules designed to suit every taste and with the possibility of a personalized message. The MyQoffee application will be available from November in<>.
The pioneering service has been launched to commemorate the signing of the new specialist brand coffee: “Delta Q, More lives”, which aims to strengthen the link with all consumers, challenging them to live more intensely every moment with Delta Q. To support the launch of new signature “Delta Q, More lives”, the brand launched a multimedia campaign, that will air starting next week.
Delta Q bet on the first barley capsule
The new signature Delta Q comes even strengthen brand leadership in the domestic market at present has reached the billion sold a brand that has also crossed borders capsules and is present in markets such as Brazil, Angola e Europa e China.
Having a pillar innovation, which has been a constant throughout its history, Delta Q has also just launched in the Portuguese market the first blend of barley, a Delta Q Cevadas Pure, ideal to be part of breakfast, snack or even supper, since it is exclusively composed of barley and drink rich in nutrients beneficial to health.
“Delta Q remains a brand that wants to surprise. Continuously keen to bring to our customers differentiated and unique offerings, but at the same time containing all the unique expertise of coffees Delta”, reinforced the administrator of the Delta Group, Rui Miguel Nabeiro.