DIAP Évora: Crimes of domestic violence and sexual self-determination against freedom.

The Evora DIAP disclosed the activity of synthesis developed in the last half, on crimes of domestic violence and crime against freedom and sexual self-determination.

diap_800x800According to data released, which includes the actions promoted by the Domestic Violence Unit and Crime against sexual freedom and self-determination of the Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) Evora and prosecutors Representation (MP) Instance in the Central Criminal and Criminal Instance Location Évora, in the case of crimes of domestic violence, it turns out that there are seven suspects in custody, four condemnatory judgments and five convictions.

Domestic Violence Crimes
DIAP Évora
enforcement measures: 7 defendants in custody and 2 victims with telecare.

accusations: 6 in Collective Court, 6 in Single Court and 64 with provisional suspension, in large numbers with the obligation to treat alcohol dependency / narcotic drug or program frequently to offenders in the context of domestic violence.

Central Criminal Instance
condemnatory judgments: Domestic violence crime: imprisonment of 8 year old, Crimes of Domestic Violence Homicide and Attempted: imprisonment of 8 year old, Domestic violence crime: effective prison sentence 5 years and 6 months, Crimes of domestic violence and other: imprisonment of 5 year old, with suspended execution.

Local Instance Criminal
Sentencing Sentencing: Domestic violence crime: imprisonment of 2 years and 8 months, with execution suspended for the same period, Domestic violence crime: imprisonment of 3 year old, with execution suspended for the same period, Domestic violence crime: effective prison sentence 1 and a half, Domestic violence crime: imprisonment of 2 and a half years, with suspended execution, probation and expulsion from the residence of the victim controlled by electronic surveillance and Crime of Domestic Violence: imprisonment of 2 years and 6 months, with suspended execution and probation.

Crimes against sexual freedom and self-determination

DIAP Évora
accusations: 2 in Collective Court.

enforcement measures: 1 defendant subject to Permanence obligation on housing with electronic surveillance.

Central Criminal Instance
condemnatory judgments: sexual abuse of minor: effective prison sentence 5 year old, attempted rape: effective prison sentence 4 year old, attempted rape: imprisonment of 5 years and 6 months, Child Sexual Abuse: imprisonment of 7 years and 6 months of sexual abuse and lower: imprisonment of 8 years and 6 months.

Recent activity of the Domestic Violence Unit and Sex Crimes
In 4 July 2016, It was deducted charges, for trial in Collective Court, against an accused, the practice, real competition, um crime of drug trafficking, two counts of sexual abuse of a child and a crime of sexual abuse of incapable of resistance person. The defendant is subjected to preventive detention of coercive measure.

In 7 July 2016, It was deducted charges, for trial in Collective Court, against two defendants. One for practice, real competition, four crimes of domestic violence, another by the commission of a crime of domestic violence. For office 12 January 2016, It was applied to the first of the defendants to coercive measure of preventive detention, which was successively magazine and maintained.

In 15 July 2016, because there is strong evidence of the practice three crimes of domestic violence and obtain in concrete dangers of continued criminal activity and the investigation during disturbance, were applied to a defendant the coercive measures of identity and residence and term of probation.

In 6 September 2016, because there is strong evidence of a crime of domestic violence and obtain in concrete dangers of continued criminal activity and the investigation during disturbance, were applied to a defendant the coercive measures of identity and residence and term of probation.

In 7 September 2016, because there is strong evidence of a crime of domestic violence and obtain in concrete dangers of continued criminal activity and the investigation during disturbance, were applied to a defendant the term coercive measures of identity and residence, obligation not to approach or stay in the residence of the victim and must not contact, by any means, with the victim. coercive measures controlled by electronic surveillance, settling the exclusion perimeter in four hundred meters, either on the fixed protection zone (residence and workplace of the victim), either on the dynamic protection zone.

9 September 2016, It was deducted charges, for trial in Collective Court, against three defendants. One for practice, real competition, of a crime of domestic violence, a prohibited weapon detention crime and a crime under duress attempted form. The remaining for practice, coauthored, a coercive crime under the attempted form. For office 17 March 2016, It was applied to the first of the defendants to coercive measure of preventive detention, which was successively magazine and maintained.

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