EDIA: Exhibition and book “Villages of water-Heaven, birth, to shadow”.

"Water Village - the sky, birth, shadow "is the title for an exhibition and book to be presented in the next day 05 June, by 17:00 hours, at the headquarters of EDIA in Beja.

The exhibition, composed by 19 watercolors and 11 stained glass, They are the result of work by students of the 12th year, Scientific-Humanistic Course of Visual Arts Secondary School Diogo de Gouveia, Beja, under "Alqueva Goes to School".

An initiative aimed at EDIA, among other objectives, stimulate the realization of jobs associated with the Purpose of Development Multiple Alqueva in different disciplines and to ensure that the business plans of the schools put Alqueva as a central theme in their programming.

The book, to be presented on the same day, It is a compilation of the works on display, illustrated with photographs of the creative process, demonstrating commitment to students and teachers put in this challenge.

All works were developed with scenarios like the villages of Luz and Amieira, each portraying the views of students involved.

The exhibition can be visited in edia headquarters, from Monday to Friday, entre as 09:00h e as 18:00hours, until the day 07 July.

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