EDIA: Tender launched for the construction of five floating photovoltaic power plants.

EDIA launched the international public tender for the contract for the construction of floating photovoltaic power stations in an investment of around 4 million and 320 thousand euros.

The infrastructures will be installed in the reservoirs of Ferreira do Alentejo, Almeidas, Sinks, Penedrão and Monte Novo (reservoir 4), with a total power to be installed of 4,5 MWp (Mega Watts pico).

According to the specifications, the tender includes the preparation of the Execution Project and the Construction Contract for these five Floating Photovoltaic Power Plants located next to the Pumping Stations of the respective reservoirs, as well as their operation and maintenance for a period of three years after entering into operation.

The plants to be installed will serve essentially to supply electrical energy to the adjacent pumping stations, framed in the self-consumption regime as Self-Consumption Production Units (UPAC), estimating an annual production of 7 GWh (Giga Watts hora). This avoids issuing 1.600 tons per year of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The installation of these photovoltaic plants on floating structures has important favorable arguments: Does not compete with other types of land use as it typically occupies regularization reservoirs or parts of reservoirs that have no alternative use; Production is higher as the cooling effect of the water plane on the panels increases their efficiency in converting radiation into electricity; The reduction of the incidence of light in the reservoirs limits the growth of algae, contributing decisively to the quality of the water and to the reduction of costs with cleaning filters; Reservoir coverage reduces evaporation and therefore water distribution operating costs.

This is the first of a set of 4 tenders to be launched by the end of the summer, in a global investment that will be around the 60 million euros which will correspond to the installation of close to 70 MW.

EDIA's intention is to replicate the success of the plant installed in the Cuba-Este reservoir (watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYba8PfRNlM) in operation since 2020.

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