EDIA: Awards “more Alqueva, more Value”.

Awards “MORE ALQUEVA, MORE VALUE”, open nominations for the initiative's responsibility edia.

Applications are open for Awards “more Alqueva, more Value”, an initiative of edia, in partnership with CONSULAI, which recognizes projects, in the area of ​​influence of the Multi Purpose Alqueva Venture, that promote the efficient use of water and the different resources, a sustainable development logic.

The Awards More Alqueva, more Value, this year the first edition, They aim to identify and give visibility to companies, people and institutions that contribute to the efficient use of resources, with special focus on water resources, and raise awareness and involve all public and private entities that are inserted in the catchment area of ​​Alqueva, for sustainable water use and the various factors of production, thus promoting the sharing of best practices.

Applications are open, up day 17 January 2019, for the following five categories: + Production | + Transformation | + Innovation | + Use | + Value.
Consult the Regulation and applications in www.maisalquevamaisvalor.com<http://www.maisalquevamaisvalor.with>

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