EDIA Alqueva: SUSTAINABLE ALQUEVA Program – Prize Delivery 2023.

It is scheduled for the next day 2 May, the presentation of the Alqueva Sustentável awards 2023, an initiative aimed at farmers in the Alqueva region, with the aim of promoting the sustainability of the primary sector in this territory.

The program, which is based on two main axes, self-assessment and creation of performance indicators, allows the farmer to have an overview of his property, indicating areas of the business that require improvement, as well as corresponding good practices.

In 2023 were presented to the Sustainable Alqueva Program 30 applications.

premiums, which are based on the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic and social, aim to encourage the development of strategies for the adoption of good agricultural and animal welfare practices, promoting biodiversity and contributing to the existence of healthy ecosystems, differentiating the Alqueva space from other geographies with excellent productions.

The event, organized by EDIA and CONSULAI, integrated into OVIBEJA, will take place in the ACOS auditorium, from 4pm onwards 02 May, with the following program: 16.30 | Welcome – José Pedro Salema (EDIA) 16.40 | Presentation of the José Costa Gomes Sustainable Alqueva Program (EDIA) Pompeu Dias (Consul) 16.50 | Social Sustainability Award 17.00 | Environmental Sustainability Award 17.10 | Economic Sustainability Award 17.20 | Sustainable Alqueva Award 2023 17.40 | closing.

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