Education: Ministry sent to Daily of the school calendar dispatch Republic.
It was sent for publication in the Official Gazette the Order approving the academic calendar for the school year 2015/2016. This is an indispensable document to the planning of activities to be developed by each school and organization of family life of each student.
According to the order, the teaching activities occur between 15 and 21 of September. As part of its autonomy, each group of schools or school ungrouped determines the beginning of activities within that period. The 1st period lasts until 17 of December. The 2nd period runs from 04 January and 18 March 2016. So, They are determined the following Semester breaks: 18 of the December 31 of December, of 08 a 10 Feb., and 21 of the March 01 April. The third period starts to 04 April. The teaching activities finish 03 June for students of 9, 11.Th and 12th grades. For students of 1st to 8th grades and 10 year finish 09 June and preschool to 01 July. He tried to balance the schedule with this duration of three academic periods.
For students of 4 and 6 years who may have extraordinary monitoring, This extends to 12 July.
The order also approves the timing of the Finals 1, 2.Nd and 3rd cycles of basic education, do Preliminary English Test (PET) and the National Examination of Secondary Education 2016. The purpose of the external evaluation is to verify the knowledge and skills learned by students, certify the level achieved by these, stimulate the achievement of curricular and regular goals the level of education required, according to the curriculum goals and established programs.
Specifically, the Finals have as essential objective to encourage students to reach the level necessary to secure further education in the next cycle. In the 1st and 2nd cycles, the two phases were temporally spaced so that students can benefit from the extraordinary follow-up period. This period is intended to students who show special difficulties, guaranteeing them the necessary help so that they can overcome them before the second phase, bridging learning disabilities. In addition to the extraordinary follow-up period, schools can, from 2012, develop throughout the school year pedagogical measures and activities to promote school success, barely be detected the first difficulties.
The results of Phase 1 of the Finals of the 1st and 2nd cycles are disclosed to 21 June and for the 3rd cycle 12 July. The guidelines of the 1st phase of the National Examination of Secondary Education are posted to 13 July.
During the period the realization of the Finals and National Exams, schools should adopt the organizational measures adjusted for years of schooling not subject to tests or exams, to ensure the most effective days of school activities and the achievement of goals and programs of different disciplines.