Elvas: Arrested in Badajoz homicide author on Christmas Day morning.

A shooting in a neighborhood in Elvas caused a dead during the early hours of 25 December 2018. The perpetrator had fled the Alentejo town and was caught in Badajoz.

The individual was the author of a shooting in a neighborhood in Elvas, which caused a dead during the early hours of Christmas Day, when a person was hit by one of several shots fired against the vehicle that followed with two more men.

According to the electronic newspaper Hoy.es, a joint operation, the National Police and Local Police, detained in Badajoz a man of Portuguese nationality, of 28 year old, that had a European arrest order for murder and also arrested two female relatives of the suspect, of 18 and 44 year old, family members involved for assault to law enforcement officers.

The arrest ran Neighborhood area “colorines”, connected area with drug trafficking, driving a vehicle at high speed. Seeing the police the individual fled and hid in the neighborhood. When officers arrived and arrested the man were beaten by women.

By consulting the joint curates the border post Caya, Elvas, ascertained that in addition to a contribution from the Juzgado de lo Penal en Valencia, there was an arrest warrant issued in Portugal for a murder.

The Portuguese held, along with register was taken to the Central Magistrates in Madrid, having been ordered his admission to the prison Soto del Real de la same location.

Women held, also Portuguese, They are in the custody of the National Police to be present at a criminal court in Badajoz.

Teixeira Correia


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