EMAS: Open enrollment to participate in the initiative “EMAS in schools”.

The Municipal Company for Water and Sanitation (EMAS) It has available the forms to participate in the initiative “EMAS in schools”.

They are now available to the entire school community of the Beja county, application forms for participation in the initiative “EMAS in schools”, for the academic year 2016/2017, EMAS promoted by the project environmental awareness “Water Heroes”.

A “Technology in water supply systems” will be the topic discussed in classroom sessions.

A “EMAS in schools” targets public: alunos que frequentam estabelecimentos de ensino situados no concelho de Beja, teachers and non-teaching staff educators parents and guardians.

Session content: Monitoring and control in water supply systems in the county Beja, explanation of the need for real-time control, in terms of system operation, both in terms of water quality control. Integration of equipment in the urban water cycle in Beja county, location of control points in the water supply system, desde a origem ao local de consumo e função de cada tipo de equipamento de telecontrolo. Funcionamento e ajuste automático (VRP) / Operation and Setup Manual (alarms), today in terms of infrastructure, equipment and performance, activities and games.

Os conteúdos serão apresentados de acordo com o nível de ensino. As sessões/atividades serão realizadas ao longo do ano letivo 2016/2017, according to the availability and scheduling of schools.

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