EMAS: Project “Water Heroes” It has official anthem.
The involvement of the school community and stimulating the creativity of it have always been part of the project objectives "Heroes of Water", sponsored by EMAS Beja in environmental and social responsibility.
This school year, that is about to end, the challenge to the county schools, It was the creation of a musical anthem for the project. After voting in social networks, the anthem proposed the contest by the students of 2nd year class D, Basic School of Greater Santiago de Beja, was the big winner to have accumulated more "likes".
Students from the winning class as the remaining finalists, a saber, a living room two 5 years of the Children's Center Colonel Sousa Tavares, as premium were entitled to a musical experience at the Regional Conservatory of Baixo Alentejo.
Once again the project attested to its huge acceptance in the school community, this which was its 5th year of operation, where this year worked the theme of "Technology in the water supply systems", having done 86 face sessions environmental awareness, come 21 Beja county schools, both the public and private education, involving approximately 1800 students, from pre-school to 3rd cycle. All participants in the project our thank you.
Access to Anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = lKEvWU_I2Hw