Higher education: Open from today's applications for phase 1 of the national contest.
The Polytechnic Institute of Beja lost 15 vacancies, passes 531 to 516 places to concurso.A positive discrimination of the interior of the universities that the government claims back to not go through the city's Politecnico. In the country there 15 courses enclosing.
The pair of Beja, Santarém and the Azores, as maiores perdas registam-se nas instituições do Porto e da capital. À semelhança do ano letivo 2018/2019, Polytechnic Lisbon back to lose jobs, this time 55, as well as the Port, with a cutting 43. Both the University of Lisbon (35) either Nova de Lisboa (12) also they lost.
No Alentejo, the Portalegre institutes (13) and Évora (25) also attend an increase. Although the Polytechnic Institute of Évora only have increased by about 2%, already last year had put out to tender 1175 places, achieving an increase of 8% over the period transato. Big Picture settings: Vagas 2019f1a-areas.
Let's look at the waves of IPBeja:
Agrarian School: Agronomy: 50, Environmental Engineering: 25, Science and Technology Food: 25 e tecnologÃas BioanalÃticas: 25.
School of Education: Audiovisual and Multimedia: 24, Social Service: 50, Sports: 37 and Basic Education: 20.
Of Technology and Management School: Solicitors (education system the distance): 40, Computer Engineering: 55, Business management: 31, Solicitors: 30, Tourism: 24 and Business Management (after working time): 20.
School of Health Sciences: Occupational Therapy: 25 and Nursing: 35.
There 15 courses that will close for lack of demand.
Eight are universities and the remaining polytechnics. Since the course of Agricultural Engineering, University of Porto, through marketing and advertising of the Santarém Polytechnic. The only area that is repeated Landscape Architecture, which closes at the University of Évora and UTAD.
Are all courses in the last two consecutive years had less than ten enrolled in 1st year. But if admitted-exceptions. The initial list 19 courses close, He went to 15. Forest engineering, da Utada, for example, It was one of the courses that have achieved exceptional regime.
Univ. Azores – Architecture (preparatory),Univ. Évora – Landscape Architecture,Univ. do Porto – Agronomic Engineering,Univ. of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro – Landscape Architecture,Univ. of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro – engineering and industrial management (preparatory),Univ. Lisbon – Ergonomics, Polished Institute. Bragança – Phytopharmacy and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Polished Institute. White Castle – Food and Human Nutrition Production,Polished Institute. Coimbra – Biodiversity and Nature Conservation,Univ. do Algarve – Food Technology and Safety,Polished Institute. Santarém – Marketing and Advertising,Polished Institute. Santarém – Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles,Polished Institute. Viana do Castelo – Renewable Energy Systems Engineering,Polished Institute. Viseu – Food and Nutrition Quality and Univ. do Algarve – Ortoprotesia.
Teixeira Correia