Higher education: IPBeja has 355 vacancies for 2nd phase of the National Competition.

No Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) There 355 vacancies 15 courses in four schools, in 2nd National Phase Competition. In 2016 They exist in the same phase 266 vacancies. The results will be known after 00,01 hours Thursday, 27 of September.

As in the 1st round of applications to the National Competition for Access to Higher Education this year, the number of students to run for 2nd phase decreased compared to the school year 2017/ 2018.

Applications closed last Friday and the final statement released by the Directorate General of Higher Education, It indicates that there are fewer candidates.

No IPBeja, There 355 vagas distribuídas pelos 15 cursos nas quatro escolas da instituição:

Agrarian School (119): Agronomy- 45, Science and Technology Food- 24, Environmental Engineering- 25 e tecnologías Bioanalíticas- 25.

School of Education (60): Sports- 19, Basic education- 17 and Social Services- 24.

School of Technology and Management (152): Computer Engineering- 44, Business management- 37, Business management (after working time)- 29, Solicitors- 9, Solicitors (education system the distance)- 17 and Tourism- 16.

School of Health Sciences (24): Nursing- 2 and Occupational Therapy- 22.

The results will be known on Thursday, 27 of September, day when open enrollment that last until the day 1 October.

The vacancies that are left go to the third stage which also start on 27 and last until 8 October.

Teixeira Correia


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