Higher education: National Plan provides accommodation 30 new beds in Beja.
Beja will have 30 of about 12 thousand beds provided by the intervention plan for the rehabilitation and construction of student residences, in promoting the Polytechnic Institute of Beja.
According to the Decree-Law No. 30/2019 of 26 Feb., the Alentejo will have 362 beds in 24 buildings, of the total of almost 12 thousand new beds provided for in the contingency plan for the rehabilitation and construction of student residences.
Annex III of the document states that the 30 Beds, They were installed in the Pavilions 1 a 9, situated inside the campus of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, no more and no less of the wooden dwellings for more than a decade served to receive the lessons of the Superior School of Technology and Management (evening).
The promotion of beds Beja is encompassed in the second of the modalities for the establishment of accommodation, made by their own higher education institutions, individually or in partnership with municipalities.
The IPBeja has six student residences with 405 Beds, with a fully packed capacity. Given the institution has several protocols 379 foreign students, 274 of which are the PALOP and 90% these are housed in homes, which leads to the external Portuguese students to the region, not able vacancies in homes.
It is recalled that last day 17 of December, the Lidador News revealed that in the neighborhood of Air Force, in Beja, are over two hundred, closed apartment in the ancient district of the German, located in the Southwest area of ​​Beja. Only in the building known as the "Tower", the 10 floors have 60 abandoned apartments, some in the top of the building serve as dorm pigeon.
Teixeira Correia