Ervidel: Wine Festival, Culture and senses, again, the Vin&Culture 2017.

In the weekend 25 and 26 November, no party Ervidel. This village of Aljustrel Municipality will receive a new edition of Vin&culture.

promoted for 15 years by the city of Aljustrel, with the support of Ervidel Parish Council, of local producers and the associative movement, This event aims to promote local products, market and get to know the best of what this location, which concentrates much of the wine production of the county, has to offer.

The arrival of S. Martin is the end of a year of work for winemakers. The harvest has already been completed, the crushed grapes and placed in earthenware jars where fermented for a few weeks, and everyone is waiting with great expectation to taste the new wine. After all the process completed, invite to friends and family to share this "nectar of the gods", that exalts every way.

And this is what will happen, in Ervidel. the cellars, who sow the village will open their doors to the public, and clay jars, Design for older times, will hear running the new wine, white or red, to delight the palate, smell and touch of fingers to stroke the cups that arise and touch each other to greet and celebrate life.

While some roam the cellars, wandering through the streets, singing Alentejo fashions, accompanied by popular music groups, small farmers and local artisans show their products, in off the fair, which will act choral groups and folkloric.

As there can be no sing snacks, collective winery will receive lovers of local delicacies, and offer a lively musical program that will delight and please all present.

But Vin&culture is also sharing tastes and knowledge. So, the space dedicated to "Earth Products", many chefs will confecionar dishes chickpea base, and give to taste sweets with nuts, pomegranate and carved wine, among other local products. And, Centro Cultural Unit Parish will be held the customary meeting of popular poets, who will recite the 10th and courts, bringing to the memory of all the cultural identity of the Alentejo people.

Besides, Ervidel also worth a visit for its rural environment, the picturesque architecture of their houses and typical chimneys, and its agricultural heritage that can be visited in the Rural Center of the Municipal Museum, or the winepress, where all the olive oil production process will be explained, from the grinding of the olives to the final product.

But most important is the warm welcome of the people of this land and the meeting between friends and family, This event provides, every year, those who come here to spend a unforgettable weekend.

Consult the program here:

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