Ban on circulating between municipalities kicks off at midnight from Thursday to Friday (26 March) and up to 00,00 hours 5 April. Correction to the decree of the state of emergency was published in Diário da República.
Government corrected the decree regulating the state of emergency to ensure that the ban on driving between municipalities starts even at midnight, from Thursday to Friday.
Contrary to what is usual, the decree published more than a week ago by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on the state of emergency did not foresee the time for the beginning of this new ban that will last 11 days, to 5 April, the Monday after Easter, just saying it applies “a partir de 26 March”.
In the previous states of emergency, the ban on movement between municipalities on Friday only applied as of 20 hours, but now, to end the doubts, the Government rectified the decree adding that the ban applies from midnight on that same Friday, in other words, during all day long.
The published Decree-Law refers to: «It is forbidden to move outside the municipality of the domicile in the period between the 20:00 Friday afternoon and 05:00 Monday morning and, daily, a partir the 00:00 h do dia 26 March, without prejudice to the exceptions provided for in article 11 of Decree no. 9/2020, of 21 November, which are applicable with the necessary adaptations. "
It is recalled that the Executive's objective, with this measure, is to stop the movement of people during Easter, but also throughout the week before that festive weekend, to prevent the pandemic from worsening.
According to legislation, a “circulation outside the municipality of the domicile” is only allowed under a number of exceptions.