European: Portugal has recorded 9.358.071 nationals and foreigners.

They were published in “Gazette” the lists of registered voters in 31 December 2018. The first electoral act will be the European, the next day 26 May.

The results published are as the reference date the day 31 December 2018 and are presented in three sectors: National - nationals; EU - European Union citizens, non-nationals; ER - Other citizens foreign residents in Portugal, existindo no Continente e Regiões Autónomas 9.358.071 of registered citizens.

Being 9.342.202 (National - nationals), 14.524 (EU - European Union citizens, non-nationals) and 13.345 (ER - Other citizens foreign residents in Portugal).

District of Beja there are a total of 124.409 citizens eligible to vote. By municipalities have: Aljustrel-8.210, Almodovar-6321, Alvito-1925, Ravines-1338, Beja-29.195 (Parishes union Salvador and Feira-8840 and Parishes union Santiago Major and St. John the Baptist-11684), Castro Verde-6.136, Cuba- 3.779, Ferreira do Alentejo-6.606, Mértola-6.097, Moura-12.324, Odemira-20.413, Ourique-4442, Serpa, Vidigueira and 12,851-4772.

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