Évora: Ambulance overturned firefighters, imprisoned conductor and seriously.
A professional driver for the Volunteer Fire Department of Évora (BVE), He was imprisoned and suffered serious injuries, having been admitted to the city hospital, following the loss of the ambulance that he manned and where he went alone.
The accident occurred at about 07.30 hours, na Estrada Municipal (IN) 1085, in saint anthony, about what 3 kilometers from Évora, the driver having been imprisoned. Second, it was possible to find out from the source of the BVE, is admitted to the Hospital do EspÃrito Santo, Evora, in a state considered as "severe", having a broken collarbone, due to be operated on tomorrow (Wednesday)
Nuno mendes, 30 year old, he was the only occupant of the ambulance that collected patients to undergo hemodialysis treatment.
According to João Caraça, assistant commander of the BVE, "everything points to the fact that the wet floor was the origin of the loss", I add that the place, of curve and counter curve, "will have caused the loss of control of the vehicle", justified.
According to this operational, "in the middle of bad luck, there is the luck of not transporting the sick, which could have had other consequences", concluded.
The firefighters of Évora were operational and vehicles at the scene of the accident, a VMER do Hospital e a PSP, occurrence that took account.
The accident results in the total loss of the patient transport vehicle, what stops the firefighters of Évora, the replacement of a new vehicle with the same characteristics, will cost about 50.000 euros.
Teixeira Correia