Évora: DIAP deducts charges against 18 people, for corruption and other crimes, three are military GNR.

DIAP Evora deduced charge, corruption against three military GNR, Two CT Portalegre and one of Évora UAF, including a Lieutenant Colonel. They were also accused more 15 people. Six defendants in custody.

Ten. Cor. FERRÃO_800x800The Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) Evora deduced eighteen allegations regarding crimes of active and passive corruption, tax evasion and abuse of power, research in charge of Fiscal Action Unit (UAF) da GNR de Lisboa.

According to the information available on the website of DIAP / prosecution of Évora on the Internet, It was deducted from prosecution for "three crimes of corruption, improper receipt advantage and four power abuse, a bribery crime, 13 crimes of bribery and improper receipt of benefit and two counts of tax evasion ", in a case triggered earlier this year, in Portalegre.

The facts date back to the day 19 January, when a team of UAF, promoted 60 house searches, having been arrested a lieutenant colonel, Jorge Ferrao, (pictured civil) Logistical Support of a Traffic Detachment cable, both the Territorial Command Portalegre, and a guard unit of Fiscal Action Évora-Deposit Elvas.

Together three businessmen were also arrested, a man and a woman, with activity in Portalegre and a man, natural of Campo Maior, but with the activity rooted in Elvas.

The military of the GNR were involved in facilitating information, who avoided that drivers were monitored in road operations, in exchange for money and other material goods.

Turn, entrepreneurs received military information and beyond to avoid the car of their companies were controlled, also "distributed" by other entrepreneurs.

Curious that was two days after being detained, Elvas one newspaper published one publireportagem where the business of the city, L. F., which was revealed to the citizens was "to your health in good hands".

More than ten and a half of the accused in the process, six are in custody. The elements of the GNR are in Prison (EP) Tomar, a chain aimed at elements of the military. As for entrepreneurs, the Portalegre in EP Beja, the Elvas in the establishment of this city and the woman in the EP Odemira, a female chain.

Teixeira Correia


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