Évora: Premiere of the documentary tradition spaß, the journalist Luís Godinho (SIC).

A documentary about the spaß, one of the most genuine expressions of the intangible cultural heritage of Évora region, It is scheduled to premiere next Sunday, day 14 June, in the House of Commons of Canaviais, neighborhood where tradition is kept alive.

cartaz_brincas_800x800Lasting 40 minutes, the documentary is done by the journalist Luís Godinho SIC and follows the preparations and the performance of spaß of Canaviais Group between Saturday and Tuesday of Carnival (Video presentation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = KHfvs_BDktE) .

"This is a popular feature theater expression outskirts of Évora whose roots, according to some authors, They are the Vincentian theater of the sixteenth century ", says the director, adding that it was between the decades of 40 and 60 the last century that spaß lived their "moments of glow, with numerous groups rivaling each other in front performances to sales (mixed tavern and grocery store) or on farms ".

At Carnival, groups of men and boys - "women moved other social stage" - rehearsed for weeks a text (that today is called foundation), steps rituals (almost militarized) and festive music aimed at the conclusion date, It is that tests stemmed confidential so that the foundation was not known in advance by rival groups.

In addition to interviews with spaß Group elements of Canaviais, the documentary includes the testimony of experts, including a university professor Isabel Bezelga, whose doctoral thesis was on this form of cultural expression, and ethnographer Rui Arimathea, whereby spaß are "reminiscent of old Community customs, a natural culture of rural people from farms around the city and large surrounding agricultural hills kept and preserved over time ".

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