Évora: GNR promotes awareness actions - Protected Forest
The Territorial Command Evora performs in the coming weeks, through the Nature Protection Service and the Environment (SEPNA), various awareness raising activities within the forest fire prevention.
These actions are intended to draw attention to the importance of preventive procedures to adopt in particular on the use of fire, cleaning and removal of bushes and maintenance of fuel management tracks, raising awareness of the issue of forest fire prevention, and encouraging good practice and respect for nature, safeguarding the sustainability and future of our forest.
Also in addition to raising awareness, the military will perform identification of actions of non-compliance on the fuel management, in order to reduce the number of occurrences and minimize the risk of forest fires, proceeding, at a later stage, the enforcement actions.
The actions will take place according to the following schedule, in parishes: 19 April - Ciborro, Round and Pitfalls; 20 April - Bencatel; 21 April - Arcos; 26 April - Igrejinha and Vimieiro; 28 April - Municipality of Portel and 29 de abril - Cabrela.