Évora: Juncker plan will allow cria 300 new jobs.

The Juncker Plan will allow you to create 300 jobs in Évora. The Aeronautics Mecachrome inaugurated in Évora its new plant for the production of titanium components for aircraft engines.

After receiving the support of the Investment Plan for Europe, known as Plan Juncker, no value 40 million, Mecachrome inaugurated the Air Force in Évora its new plant for the production of titanium parts for aircraft engines. The project will create 300 new jobs in Portugal.

Under a funding under the European Fund for Strategic Investment, the European Investment Bank has granted a loan of Mecachrome group 40 million, which aims to support the modernization and expansion of production capacities advanced components for aircraft and aero engines.

The company is committed to create a training program in order for workers to disseminate knowledge of this new cutting-edge technology.

Carlos coins, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said: "With this loan 40 million, Investment Plan for Europe is once again supporting an innovative project in Portugal.

Using advanced technology, the new ecological factory will create Évora 300 permanent jobs in Portugal and will be one of the leading manufacturers of titanium parts for aircraft engines in Europe. I am proud that Portugal is to make the most of Juncker Plan: of 28 Member states, is now the second country with the highest volume of total investment mobilized to GDP. "

The new Mecachrome's facilities also represent an investment in green economy: new technologies allow to reduce paper consumption and waste production, facilitate recycling processes and reduce transportation needs. Besides, this production allows the construction of more efficient wind turbines, helping to reduce the weight of aircraft and, therefore, fuel consumption.

Thanks to Plan Juncker, Portuguese entrepreneurs have access to the necessary financing, and the advantageous conditions with regard to the loan duration and interest rates. Investment in innovation, in research and development is one of the pillars of the Investment Plan for Europe.

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