(Exclusive) Beja: Former Bank of Portugal building passes to local authority.

The former premises of the Bank of Portugal, in Beja, will pass coercively to the possession of the Municipality of Beja, included in the survey of vacant properties of the State.

Located in the city center, the space will receive the “renovated” Tourist Office (PT), with a new interactive tour of the city since the times of Pax-Julia, and an “attractive” Jorge Vieira Museum (MJV), located in the Governor's House, central building of the Castle of Beja.

Under the Local Housing Strategy (ELH) to the county, the city hall assumed the coercive lease of the space, whose values ​​will be stipulated according to the years that the building has been unoccupied.

closed from 31 December 1992, more than 30 year old, were last on sale in 2017, in a public tender that took place between 5 and from February and 3 March of this year, which turned out to be deserted.

Registration with the Tax Authority states that the year of registration in the head office is 1970, the building area is 1.436 m2 e 92 m2 of terraces, while the area of ​​the adjacent terrain is 250 m2.

Has learned the Lidador News, the restoration work on the building should begin shortly after the approval of the diploma that the Government will present in the next few days to be approved by the Assembly of the Republic.

Teixeira Correia


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