(Exclusive) Beja: Commander BA11, Colonel Paul Costa, speaks to Lidador News.
Come to Beja and Air Base 11 in 25 October, when you took the Unity Command, Colonel Paul Costa, gives his first interview, the day begins "Greetings presentation" to local entities, visiting a Beja House.
With Lidador News, the officer approached their stints BA11, the operational unit, expectations of future Base, including the creation of an International Steering Advanced School, Bairro situation of the Air Force and the relationship with the City Council and the difficult task of "recovering" the BA11 to the community and local institutions ?
Colonel Pilot-Pilot (Rice) Américo Paulo Oliveira da Costa, arrived at BA11 from the Air Force Staff Operations Division (EMFA), becoming the commander of the 31 BA11, since 16 August 1967 Colonel Pilav Alberto Lopes Magro was appointed to the position, what happened the first time after Air Force Base have been established in 1964. Colonel Paul Costa, I have had the BA11, first of March 1994 and October 1998 as an instructor pilot in the Fleet 101-“Roncos”, cm Epsilon the aircraft and then between the fevreiro 2008 and July 2011, where he was commander of the Police Station 601- "Wolves", equipped with Lockheed P-3C CUP +. The officer was the Director of the Working Group to replace the Alouette III helicopters by new AW119MKII "Koala", which they began to equip the Police 552- "Drones", from last day 18 Feb..
This his third time in Beja and Air Base (BA) 11, after having passed the 101-Squad Squad Snoring and 601-Lobos. It is now in its 31st commander.
After two different experiences, I come now to the Unit Commander, which is very different from what existed previously in the number of aircraft and effective human.
For new airport force in Montijo, I have expectations that this base go start increasing the effective again. In March 2020 Squares with the return of the 101-snoring with Epsilons which in an increase in personnel.
My expectations are very high relative to the base and I will be here very humbly trying to reconcile those changes and the receipt of these new stations in the unit, fulfilling a first mission entrusted to me is me and the men and women who have the distinct honor to command.
We need many works of improvement and continuous improvement is very important and I want to be next, shoulder with shoulder, with the military command that.
You have an enviable resume flight, They are 5000 hours to fly the Epsilons and P3.
In fact not many aviators pilots with many flight hours. Most, next to 4000 hours were made in P3, where I spent 13 years of my career. Then there were more 1000 hours of practical training and Eplison. As aviator'm very busy and the arrival to the BA11 I still hope to return to the police station 601-Lobos, who commanded for more than three years and where I hope to do some more flying hours in P3.
A BA 11, It has been the scene of major initiatives ?
This unit has been the scene of major events and exercises and will keep that status. In May next year we will have the Tiger Meet, with the expectation of receiving more than 100 aircraft worldwide. For 2021 It is to deal with the organization of another event involving helicopters grane. There is a dynamic to make this, the basis for the reception of major military exercises in Portugal.
The operation of BA11 is reduced to two stations. It is a worrying scenario ?
Do Not, far from it. It was a stage in the life of the Air Force (FAP) which will undergo a very positive change. P3 have been modernized there are half a dozen years and recently received new helicopters Koala, aircraft fitted the two stations, the 601-Lobos and 552-Drones.
The Air Force is under renovation. The Epsilon still have a good few years to flight and the 101-snoring have to always come to Beja for the reorganization of the airspace in Lisbon (see text on statements by the Minister of Economy, Siza vieira, at the end of the interview).
We lack an advanced instruction squad to replace the Alpha-Jet, yet the BA11 will be very muscled.
How many military has this time the BA11 ?
We are among the 540 and 550 Military, number from next year fall grow substantially.
It would be utopian to think in BA 11, not as the sole basis continent, harboring the valences and police stations BA1 (Sintra), Ba6 (Montijo) and AT1 (Portela / Figo Maduro) ?
PC: Does not make sense. We can not put "all eggs in one basket. We can not be dependent on one place and there must be a coherent distribution throughout the country.
Bases / Civil Terminals. First was Beja, Montijo and now there is talk of Monte Real. Can jeopardize the operational capability of the FAP ?
PC: I think not. It is a sensitive issue, but the protocols signed with each of the bases it is safeguarded and if military operational need, these interests will be above the civil. I do not see this as a difficulty, because each case is different. But it's something that the Air Force is available to analyze.
In the reception ceremony of the Koala, Defense Minister said he would be created a base for helicopters fighting the fires that the Air Force will manage. Already defined ? The BA11 is the ideal place ?.
I do not have any data so you can respostar this question, what he would say would be mere speculation.
The Aloutte and Puma helicopters can be converted to fight fires ?
The Alouettes made war Africa, where Puma also been and are aircraft that do not match the technological standards that exist today and that are not a solution.
We have a problem we are forest fires, but it is not going to get aircraft fifty years will solve the problem. The Alouette has no load capacity to carry water buckets, the limit could make the air coordination. A Aloullte of 25 in 25 hours to make inspections. The Koala is the first inspection is 50 in 50 and visually.
This can not be the basis for work, They have to be new fleet.
Municipality of Beja Air Base 11, is a relationship that will be far from the best, due to some negative responses FAP, particularly on the School of Pilots, the apartments and the neighborhood Tower. The president of the municipality lacked his inauguration, nor was represented. How to interpret these facts ?
I have spoken with the President of the House and today I will present formal greetings after my inauguration, even we've been together in an event in the city, which he explained that already had a commitment for that day (n.d.r.: presence Flag Oath ceremony at the Infantry Regiment 1).
As FAP, City Hall wants the development of the city and county. The question of the Civil School was explained by the Minister of Defense, because there is an international project for the BA11 and it collided with this claim. The Air Force also said that being stabilized your device and the decision of the International School taking and realize the evolution of Civil Aviation Terminal Beja (TCABeja), then there will be availability to evaluate that question again.
There is ongoing project to attract Beja for an International School of Advanced Piloting in partnership with industry, with private and air forces of other countries, where there is a will strong Air Force and embraces the Ministry of Defense for this to come to realize.
Neighborhood Air Force, over more than two hundred apartments, including Tower, They are empty and there are institutions that need these spaces and the FAP is not available for concessions.
This situation can not be disconnected from what are the projects of the Air Force. There are plans to Beja, read: Airbase (BA) 11, and in the face of all that is thought, we will not have excess apartments, on the contrary, we lack.
I know that some time ago there was some pressure from the local community, in particular regarding the "Tower" and by the Air Force position is not derail projects that are ours because we have no ability to rececionar, want our stations and families will come to BA 11, possibly want to be able to attract international projects.
It is important for the Air Force pilots form, being sent to the United States of America, as well as attract other air forces that could divide or share costs we have with the formation of these pilots.
We perceive the feeling, but also like the community to realize the idea of ​​Air Force (FAP) what is: we are not divorced from city, We realize the city needs, but the projects we want to implement in Beja will give something more to the city.
We bring many families to the neighborhood of Air Force and cumulatively for Beja. We can bring many international to the city of Beja, of various nationalities if the school project Steering Advanced be successful.
But in the case of "tower" was a local businessman who advanced with a project and Air Force two years later has not yet given an answer, when it admitted that it had no capacity to do the work.
I have no objective data to answer that question. And was unaware as to whom was this request made, I do not know what did FAP, How to contact. It's me quite impossible to pronounce me about it.
Do you think the community realizes the answers given by FAP ?
PC: Do not understand how whim or desire to say no to everything. We want is to safeguard the projects to Beja / BA11 and also other events that do not compete in the best way to do differently. Estremos here to support the Municipality and the Civil Terminal within the possibilities of FAP and BA11 and will look at all the projects with the greatest attention and Availability.
About Civil Aviation Terminal Beja (TACBeja), the Air Force Portuguese (FAP) It has given full support to its viability ?
We have done everything to help, for to be attractive, we have provided all our services, to succeed.
On the closing night of the Airport Portela January to June 2020, The Air Force is aware there may be nighttime landing on the slopes of BA11 ?
PC: I do not know whether there is or there was some contact between the ANA-Airports of Portugal and FAP which was addressed this issue.
Are you aware that awaits a difficult job to "recover" the BA11 to the community and local institutions ?
To answer that question would have to start from the premise that everything is bad and I do not see it that way, there is always the possibility of making better. It is my intention to strengthen the bonds that unite us, because the FAP and BA11, part of that community.
We want to do things in a quiet way, transparent, friendly and fraternal, I am so as not recognize the Air Force. See a great future for the BA11 and the city of Beja and all together we can construct interesting solutions to the city and the community.
Teixeira Correia
Statements of the Minister of State, of Economy and Digital Transition
“The displacement of the air base number 1 Sintra Beja already in the spring of next year will free many constraints in the management of airspace in the vicinity of Lisbon airport and allow more moves with less constraints than those occurring”, said Pedro Siza Vieira in 31 National Hotel and Tourism Congress, organized by the Association of Portugal Hospitality (AHP), which began Thursday in Viana do Castelo.
The Lidador News questioned the Press Office of the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition (METD), on the statements of Siva Vieira, that "the Air Base No.1 Sintra goes to Beja in the spring", which is not the same decision was taken several months ago that in March / April would be transferred to Beja Squad 101-Snoring, which operates the Epsilon aircraft, requesting the following clarifications:
1- Beja has all the installed operating capacity in Sintra Base, Police 101 and Chipmunk DHC aircraft and gliders ASK-21 or is concerned solely the relocation of the Police 101 ?
2- In case of relocation of all the installed operating capacity in Sintra Base, It has to do with a change to the airport project in Montijo ?
Having the Press Office of METD, said that the statements relate to what was already planned: https://dre.pt/web/guest/home/-/dre/122549966/details/maximized. "Implies that the anticipated relocation of flight squad 101 (basic pilot instruction) for the Air Base No. 11, in Beja, releasing the airspace necessary for air traffic Humberto Delgado Airport and station 552, which operates the Koala helicopter AW 119, It will be relocated Air Base No. 11, in Beja, for the Air Base No. 1, in Sintra ".
Confusion of statements generates response: Sintra camera ensures that base area will not be dislocated
The Mayor of Sintra secured, On thursday,the airbase No. 1 Sintra will not be moved to Beja, thus contradicting the information conveyed today by the Minister of Economy. “Following the news coming public this afternoon on the 'no displacement of air base 1 de Sintra’ for Beja, the Municipality of Sintra, after contact with the Government, belies formally said news that caused bewilderment in the county”, according to a note of authority.
Speaking to Lusa agency, the mayor, BasÃlio Horta, ensured that “it is clear that the air base does not leave Sintra”, adding that talked to the Minister of Defense on the subject. “I do not know who said the economy minister, but I saw the news that was given, that puts into the mouth of the Minister certain statements that do not correspond to what the resolution says the Council of Ministers, that does not say that the air base of Sintra is transferred to Beja. This created in Sintra discomfort climate it was necessary to clarify”, said Basilio Horta Lusa.