(Exclusive) Beja: Competition for the construction of the new Palace of Justice without valid tenders.

The construction of the new Palace of Justice Beja “back to square one”. None of the proposals was accepted, It will be opened new procedure. There is no date for the start of the work should begin this year.

“In the procedure on the new Beja building the IGFEJ found that no proposal met the requirements required in the tender documents, have therefore been excluded from all. It will be released new procedure”, response from the Ministry of Justice to questions from the Lidador News (LN) on the construction of the new Palace of Justice Beja.

The published procedure announcement in the Official Gazette on 22 October 2018, which had a value of baswe 4 million, plus VAT, and whose tenders were opened during the month of December, it was desert, whereby, second he found the LN, the Institute for Financial Management and Justice Equipment (IGFEJ) “decided to cancel the hiring decision”.

Now it will have to be started new procedure, It is necessary to the cabimentação in State Budget 2019, authorize the opening of the same, and later the approval and publication of new Resolution of the Council of Ministers (RCM).

Face todo is “circuit” decisions to be taken by the IGFEJ, Conselho de Ministro e Ministério da Justiça e publicar as mesmas em Diário da República (DRE), there is a new date for the start of work.

Remember that for the previous tender procedure, este foi aprovado pelo IGFEJ em janeiro de 2018, after the SPC was published in August in DRE, approval and order of the Minister of Justice took place in October, and by the end of this month the publication of the announcement, ending with the opening of tenders in December.

It took one year to complete the entire process, so it is not permissible for the new tender might happen before the Parliamentary Elections 6 October 2019.

It is recalled that the Ministry of Justice and the Chamber signed Beja, a 1 June 2016, a protocol for the construction of the Courthouse, to house county services spread over several buildings, three located in Beja and in Ferreira do Alentejo.

The agreement sets out the transfer by the municipality two land for the construction of infrastructure and another for the installation of modules to ensure the provisional operation of the Central Instance Section of Family and Children, operating from 2014 in Ferreira do Alentejo.

The new equipment provides house the Administrative and Fiscal Court, Labor Court, Judgment of Family and Juvenile Court and Beja Civil Location.

Teixeira Correia


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