(Exclusive) Beja: For internal error, INEM triggers help the man in danger of life, Moura.
In Beja, a family accuses the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) having driven the wrong way the relief asked for a victim at risk of life, Just go to an occurrence in Moura. INEM takes the error.
When Lidador News (LN), via mail, the Information Bureau of the INEM, assumes that have "been an error in the occurrence of location. The-contacting indicated the name of a street Beja, but the occurrence was introduced in the computer system of the INEM, Moura ", justify.
The case happened in the past day 27 October, when the call was received in Patients Urgent Guidance Center (CODU), to help a man in Angola Street, in Beja, but, by mistake, It was thrown to the INEM ambulance Volunteer Fire Department and the immediate support of car life (SIV) Moura, for an occurrence in this city.
Luis Castilho Figueira, of 70 year old, He had a wound in the chest near the heart, the bleeding. Cerca the 17,45 hours that day, the son called the 112 and after an "exchange of words hung me the phone in the face", ensures Luis Figueira, the son of the victim. "From the first call muddle resulted deception", ends.
Louis made a new call to ask for help and when the ambulance of the firemen and Beja Hospital VMER arrive, "Despite the occurrence has been located in Moura and not in Beja, the emergency ambulance arrived at the scene 17 minutes after the initial call ", assume o INEM.
The LN found the Fire Moura Volunteers source together, "the car of the INEM and SIV were driven to the address in question, but there was no patient with the name and indicated pathology ", revealed.
The case took caricatured contours when a firefighter Moura corporation influx into the patient to the Emergency Service of the Beja Hospital and an exchange of words with the victim's son, realized the "mistake in which the corporation was involved" and informed his superiors of what was happening. It was later received a call from INEM to give error account and the service suspension request.
In response to questions from the LN, the coordinator of the INEM Information Bureau ensures that "having knowledge of the situation, trigger procedures to determine accurately the successful and take the measures deemed necessary ", Remata.
The son and wife of Luis Castilho Figueira, which is still hospitalized, but life free from danger, ponder court trigger the INEM for the mistake that could have cost the life to his family.
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