(Exclusive) Neves / Beja: President of the Parish Council targeted by aggression.

The mayor was attacked by unidentified individuals, in case that configures theft of public goods.

The President of the Parish Council of Nossa Senhora das Neves, county Beja, was the target of aggression by individuals, not yet identified by the authorities, when he approached them next to the village cemetery.

The case happened in the past day 18 of December, when Jorge Mata, he was surprised by the presence of two vehicles, one with Portuguese registration and another Spanish, parked next to the pedestrian corridor, located at the back of the cemetery that connects the two settlements of Nª. Sª. das Neves.

In that pedestrian corridor, the Parish Council, which is five kilometers from the county seat and district capital, connecting Aldeia de Cima to the main cluster of Nossa Senhora das Neves installed two lamps powered by solar energy, to facilitate the movement of citizens, that individuals, for unknown reasons, would be handling.

And it was by questioning them, that the mayor was the target of the suspects' assaults, who immediately went on the run. Jorge Mata called the GNR who took care of the occurrence, but no longer found a trace of the alleged perpetrators of the aggression.

Source of José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja confirmed that “for aggression, the user entered the Emergency Department at 19,00 horas do dia 18 of December, was discharged to 01,00 am the next day, after being subjected to complementary exams â€, justified our interlocutor.

Questioned the Public Relations Office of the Beja Territorial Commander of GNR, the occurrence was confirmed, having been mentioned that “because it is a public crime, a news report was prepared, subsequently referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP). The Guard waits for the MP's communication to be able to carry out the competent investigation to ascertain what happened â€, I have the source confirmed the presence on the site of two vehicles “one Spanish and one Portuguese, this last property of a company â€, finished.

Has learned the Lidador News (LN), the Portuguese vehicle will be owned by EDP-Distribuição, it is unknown who conducted it the same. At the Beja Center facilities, Rua António Sardinha, the concierge is equipped with video surveillance cameras and vehicles entering and leaving, are registered with the company's employees, responsible for the security of the installations.

LN knows that the situation “has already been muted†within the electricity sector company, but there is still no official knowledge of the subject.

Teixeira Correia


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