(Exclusive) Odemira: Two firefighters stole credit card from sick.

Two Odemira Volunteer Firefighters operatives (GFA) rescued a man with a sudden illness, one of them stole a credit card from the victim and made several withdrawals.

The two individuals were accused of crimes of theft and computer fraud, avoided the trial after having requested the opening of the investigation and reached an agreement with the victim to compensate him.

On 3 March 2019, two individuals, of 23 and 34 year old, went to a man's residence, in Sao Teotonio (Odemira), who had a sudden illness, to transport her to the Hospital do Litoral Alentejano, in Santiago do Cacém, where she would stay.

Before leaving the site, one of the operatives returned to the patient's home and from inside the wallet stole the ATM card that had the code written down and between 3 and 9 March did 9 surveys, in total 1.500 euros, the first of which at the ATM of the hospital where they had just left the patient.

In order to avoid judgment and disciplinary consequences within the BVO, the defendants requested the opening of the investigation of the case and it was in the course of the instructional debate that it took place on the last day 3 of December, that the victim who had become an assistant, informed the judge that she intended to drop the complaint, by paying compensatory damages that the defendants proposed to him.

The plaintiff withdrew the claim for civil compensation in respect of the individual who entered the house and took the card and accepted the payment, to be by the other defendant, the amount of 2.500 euros, in 12 monthly installments, the first of 300 euros and the rest of 200 euros, with daily payment 8 of month, as early January 2021.

In view of the agreement reached between the parties, the judge declared the criminal proceedings against the defendants extinct, as well as measures of coercion of term of identity and residence (TIR) they were subject to.

The Lidador News (LN) asked the Odemira Fire Department for clarification on the situation (CBO), having source of the Command referred to that “operatives always had the service since the victim had no formal complaint to the CBO, so you could never open disciplinary proceedings”, unless there was an official information from the court, which also didn't happen”.

Teixeira Correia


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