(Exclusive) Salvada / Beja: Foundation settles debt to EMAS. Avoid judgment.

The Joaquim HonĂłrio Raposo Foundation, based in Salvada, county Beja, proceeded to the settlement of the water debt over 27 thousand euros.

As the Lidador News (LN) revealed last day 24 of December, through a Common Process Action, by an order, EMAS-Municipal Water and Sanitation Company, intended to charge the Joaquim HonĂłrio Raposo Foundation, the money from 26.960.56 euro in water supply and accrued interest, plus 153 euros of justice fee paid.

The lawsuit filed at the Beja Local Civil Court, on 10 July 2019, concerned part of the institution's debt to EMAS, for the lack of payment of 63 invoices issued by the company between January 2014 and March 2019, on water supply.

In the Opposition to the Injunction, lawyer Francisco Cravo, with office in Moura, hired by the Foundation defended that “the debt has expired”, claiming that “the right to receive the price of the service provided expires within 6 months after its provision ”.

The Foundation stepped back from its initial position and paid EMAS the outstanding amount of 27.113,56 euros. The process has two paths to extinction, that lawyers for both parties are still discussing. Either immediately or before the trial is scheduled for the next day 10 Feb., Place the Civil Court of Beja.

Management Report 2018, Foundation, approved in 30 April 2019

The Foundation's liabilities increased in the current year, no value 94.143,60 euros, in other words, a passage of 722.478,05 euros for the year 2017, To the 816.621,65 euros in the year 2018.

Ratified by the Foundation's Board of Directors, chaired by Sérgio Engana, inherently for being the president of the Parish Council of Salvada / Union of Parishes of Salvada and Quintos, after being approved four days before by the Fiscal Council, in the minutes of the meeting it is stated that the negative result results from a “situation which, if not quickly reversed, will lead to the strangulation of the institution”.

Today, 20 January 2021, the Management Report 2019 not yet available from the institution's website.

Current Balance-Liabilities (31 from decembrode 2018)

Providers: 150.732,71 euros (2018) – 133.010,41 euros (2017), State and other public entities: 411,332,40 euros (2018) – 372.188,35 euros (2017), Financing obtained: 95.279,49 euros (2018) – 87.520,16 euros (2017), Other bills to pay: 159.277,03 euros (2018) – 100.566,70 euros (2017), Diferimentos: 000.000,00 euros (2018) – 29.192,43 euros (2017) and Total liabilities: 816.621,65 euros (2018) – 722.478,05 euros (2017)

Regarding liabilities, the Report states that: The rubric of the State and others between public and Other Accounts Payable, show positive fluctuations, taking into account the difficulty of complying with Social Security other than through installment debt agreements, this being the main responsible for the increase of the verified liability.

Teixeira Correia


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