(Exclusive) Vidigueira: LuÃs Amado ponders quitting the race to the House in local authority.
LuÃs Amado, candidate announced by the party Free for president of the Municipality of Vidigueira, should abandon the application in the coming days. The announcement of Helen D'Aguilar precipitated this decision.
The candidacy of LuÃs Amado, current president of the Board of Vila de Frades Parish, named in the lists of the CDU, that results from an agreement between the party and the FREE "Movement Vidigueira Citizens Future", should step aside.
Has learned the Lidador News (LN), next to source close to Amado, “the appearance of the application of the city council and the vote in the same election dispute spectrum, It led him to consider the continuation in the race”. When asked about a possible support or integration in the lists of Helena D'Aguilar, “It is an issue that does not arise and nothing to do with the output stage”, assured our source.
LuÃs Amado, has 46 years, and since, 2005, Presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Vila de Frades e está ligado ao poder local há vinte anos. Canalisador de profissão, LuÃs Amado was linked to the City Council for Vidigueira 21 year old, 17 as an official in the water service and 4 year old, between 2009 and 2013, while the current Deputy President, Manuel Narra.
The Beloved application came after Rui Raposo name announcement, as the head of the CDU list.
Quanto a Helena D’Aguilar, the decision of the current vice president comes two months after the announcement of the Communists in applying Rui Raposo, Deputy President Manuel Narra, You can not reapply to have reached the threshold and mandates.
In late 2016, Helena D'Aguilar appeared to be willing to take the lead of the CDU list, which is not was confirmed by the PCP Concelhia. Once known the candidacy of Vice President, Communist issued a structure where nicado ate accused the councilor of "ambition, leadership and personal power that will be motivated ", a clear weakness reaction to keep the House under the leadership of the PCP.
In addition to the three names mentioned above, also they announced, José Miguel Almeida, by PS and Guido Pires, by PSD.
Since the first municipal elections, according to data from ANMP, Vidigueira has had four mayors: Manuel Trindade Reis (1976/ 1979), Carlos Labego Goes (1979/ 2001), António Rodrigues Mendonça (2001/ 2005) and Manuel LuÃs Narra (2005/ 2017).
Teixeira Correia