Fª Alentejo: Four east of citizens arrested for theft 500 kilos of olives.

The GNR arrested four people in the act of olive theft, seized 500 pounds. The PSP has identified two people and seized 1.500 kilograms of olive penthouse.

The military of Ferreira do Alentejo Territorial Desk arrested in flagrante delicto, during the day Friday, three women and one man of Romanian and Moldovan nationality, aged between 18 and 30 year old, by olive theft crime.

The arrests of the four east of citizens occurred during a patrol action, under the operation "Safe Country", having suspects arrested inside a private property in the possession of 23 sacks with olives, total no 500 pounds.

During the action the GNR seized two machine picks up soil olive, commonly described as "urchins" five pails. Made defendants, the suspects were released by term of identity and residence.

This was the second arrest in the area of ​​competence of the Territorial Command Beja GNR, under the operation "Field Insurance" that the corporation has on the ground until the next day 31 January.

On Monday last, the Police Intervention and Surveillance PSP Beja identified two men, of 18 and 30 years, on suspicion of practicing illegal olive picking. The developed steps, in collaboration with GNR, They were seized 1.500 kilos of olives, the largest recorded seizure during the campaign 2018/2019.

Teixeira Correia


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