Fª Alentejo: Fire in pulp mill in the village of Strong. No injuries.

A fire broke out early on Monday in a pulp mill in the village of Strong, just over 15 kilometers of Ferreira do Alentejo, was in labor, but there are no injuries to register.

The fire broke out in bagasse drying zone, having been given to the alert 03,49 hours and was given as about the mastered 06,45 hours, lying still in phase aftermath, having mobilized 18 operating the Fire Ferreira do Alentejo Volunteers (BVFA) e GNR, supported by six vehicles.

The fire occurred in a drying drum about 50 meters in length and 6 in diameter, according to the report of Antonio Gomes, Commander of BVFA, "A fault has occurred in the drum is heated by the boiler and stop residue that was inside the cylinder began to burn. No injuries were record among workers ", finished.

The factory is located in the village of Strong, Ferreira do Alentejo county, no houses nearby and that has long been under the protests of the population and environmentalists because of the environmental problems generated.

Fight Result led by the Environmental Association of Strong, The case came to Parliament, where they claimed the government "urgent measures", which led to the factory to see the suspended laboring, and then made the announcement and the investment 1,2 million to reduce the environmental impact of the activity and fulfill the measures imposed to resume laboring.

Teixeira Correia


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